This is the place where you heal your communication dynamic with or without your partners participation and you become the solid, passionate couple you dream of being together.

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I'm a mum, stepmum and wife and my super power is helping you reinvent your relationship even if your partner isn't equally invested in change.


I met my hubby when I was 19 and became a stepmum to his 2 gorgeous girls when I was 21. 

I made lunch boxes, drove them to school- I did my best to wholeheartedly embrace my new role.

5 Years later we welcomed our first child together, then our second shortly after. Around this time hubby relapsed into substance addiction. For the next 4 years our relationship was in crisis. 


After 9 yrs together and on the verge of separation- we recommitted to each other.

Only this time I had wisdom & experience from the past that enabled me to completely reinvent my relationship with him. 

Years 10-16 in our marriage have been our best yet with more acceptance, trust and authenticity than I ever imagined. 

Our girls have grown into extraordinary, resilient young women and our boys are the most emotionally intelligent kids I've ever met (humble brag).

If we can do this, you can too.


You get to be imperfect, flawed humans AND have an incredibly fulfilling marriage.

If you are lucky enough that your partner is also invested in improving your marriage- that's fabulous and also *not essential*.

It only takes one partner to dramatically transform a relationship. When one side of the dynamic changes, the other side of the dynamic can't not change. 

Connection takes courage- not time. Fast, lasting change is the norm in my coaching practice and that's because in my world, marriage is simple.

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