Healing your marriage alone is tough. I'm here to help.


Lift your marriage out of the rut and respark connection in 15 minutes per day.

Leave roommates mode behind, like forever...


You don't need your partner to get on board with self development. You don't need a talking stick to communicate about problems. And you definitely don't need regular date nights (who has time for those?).

All you need is a clear plan for managing your incompatibilities so you can embrace tf out of who you both are & ENJOY your marriage without it being a constant healing project.

Inside the Heirloom Marriage Society you will learn a simple & efficient system for overcoming your persistent challenges, so you can communicate confidently when your differences flare up-  so you never get stuck in roommates mode again.

The Heirloom Marriage Society program slots seamlessly into your busy life to support you & your partner with actionable steps and personalised support.

This program will fast become your complete, holistic system for becoming the passionate partnership you know you can be. Being loved for exactly who you are and being that solid family unit you truly want to be.


Membership inclusions:

- Complimentary membership for your partner

-Heirloom Communication Curriculum

- Respark Connection Course

- Monthly Q+A Calls with Megs

- Editable PDFS & Workbooks


AUD$97 p/month

Heirloom Marriage Society

Reclaim your personal power & be the changemaker of your marriage & family for generations to come. 


I combine the best elements of attachment science, relational psychotherapy, Gottman research based interventions & CBT based life coaching. AND I pride myself on being the example of how you do not need to be fully healed or 100% non-reactive to have an amazing marriage. My process enables you to create positive, lasting change- with both you and your partner exactly as you are. You'll step off the emotional rollercoaster of living in reactivity to your partner and you'll refocus on what's within your control (which is way more than you think) to create the solid, delicious partnership you know is possible.




  • Both you & your partner get full access
  • Heirloom Communication Curriculum

  • Respark Connection Course

  • MOMENTUM 7 Day Breakthrough Experience
  • Monthly Q+A Calls with Megs

  • Editable PDFS & Workbooks

  • 3 month minimum commitment



Most Popular

  • 3 Months FREE!
  • Everything you get inside the monthly program
  • 30 Day Reconnection Challenge
  • FREE 1 week private 1:1 coaching ($297 value)
There's only 2 days a year you can't work on your marriage- yesterday + tomorrow.

Stop waiting for the perfect circumstances. TODAY is the day to get started- in the thick of family life, in the messy middle.

The incredible thing about this work is that it will uplevel ALL of the important relationships in your life. 

Got questions? DM me on Facebook or Instagram so we can get you closer to being married like you *mean* it.